What's Your Passion?
NEW DAY's Passion
Feeding Food Insecure AISD Students on the Weekend
For over 18 years as a nonprofit, NEW DAY in Arlington, Texas has provided weekend food bags to children and youth, including homeless youth, who attend school in the Arlington Independent School District (AISD). NEW DAY ended the 2023-2024 school year having delivered 28,501 bags for the year. Because of your financial support, NEW DAY was able to feed many hungry kids this last school year.
Volunteers do all the work of buying the food items, preparing the bags, and delivering the meal bags to the schools. NEW DAY works out of four sites: Grace Presbyterian Church and St. John the Apostle United Methodist Church in southwest Arlington, Westminster Presbyterian Church in central Arlington, and Church of the Good Shepherd United Methodist in east Arlington.
Money to support NEW DAY's work is given by individuals, churches, various foundations, and our annual participation in North Texas Giving Day. With lingering pandemic issues and increased food prices, the need is greater than ever. Beginning September 1st through September 19th, NEW DAY, in partnership with North Texas Giving Day, will kick off its 2024 campaign with a goal of $45,000. With your help, we can exceed the goal, so more students in Arlington will be supported. Please consider donating to NEW DAY by clicking on our link NTGD NEW DAY Arlington or our QR Code.
Volunteers are always needed to help maintain relationships with schools, as well as to purchase, pack, and distribute food. If you would like to help, please contact us at [email protected].
If you’ve given to NEW DAY in the past, Thank You for your donations! We greatly appreciate it! Whether you are a former donor, or this is your first-time donating through North Texas Giving Day, we hope we can count on you to help us feed our AISD students who are experiencing food insecurity.
That’s NEW DAY’s Passion! That’s NEW DAY’s Purpose
Thank you for your support.
You may also use our Donate button below to donate to NEW DAY.
You may also use our Donate button below to donate to NEW DAY.